HOME | NEWS | AI, gender, compliance… Discussing the present state and future conditions of language careers over 20 different seminars in “JVTA Summer School 2023”
HOME | NEWS | AI, gender, compliance… Discussing the present state and future conditions of language careers over 20 different seminars in “JVTA Summer School 2023”


AI, gender, compliance… Discussing the present state and future conditions of language careers over 20 different seminars in “JVTA Summer School 2023”

At JVTA, we host a series of online lessons, workshops and seminars every year under the title “JVTA Summer School.” In 2023, we will explore not only audiovisual translation but also topics such as AI, gender, and compliance, providing a new perspective to everyone who is passionate about learning languages. The seminars are designed to be enjoyable for anyone, from those training to become visual media translators to those involved in filmmaking or video production, as well as those interested in language learning or visual media. For details, visit our Summer School website:

JVTA Summer School 2023 (Japanese Only)